Getting an EAN-13 Barcode Number

What is EAN-13?

The EAN-13 barcode code is given by the National Goods Numbering Center within the body of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB).

Manufacturers, importers, exporters and distributors that want to use the EAN-UCC system must apply to the National Goods Numbering Center and become a member. It gives an EAN-UCC number to companies that are members of the National Goods Numbering Center. This number belongs only to that company and is used by it. Required application documents and fee information to become a member can be learned by asking the National Property Numbering Center. The barcode standard EAN 13 applied in Turkey and its features are as follows. One of the most frequently asked questions by companies is Obtaining an EAN-13 Barcode Number.

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Getting an EAN-13 Barcode Number

The EAN code is not a random use code. The EAN-13 code is obtained with the application to be made to the Goods Numbering Center within the body of TOBB (The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey). EAN-13 is used in almost all retail products. Although the EAN-13 alphabet is read with barcode readers attached to the terminal or cash registers at this point in retail sales, other alphabets cannot be read at the point of sale.

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For this reason, it should be read and printed with the EAN-13 barcode alphabet in product groups to be sold at retail. EAN is known as the abbreviation of “International Article Numbering Association” in English. According to the declaration published by EAN, since 2005, the USA and Canada will switch to the EAN international barcode system, the EAN system is used for numbering retail products, especially grocery and market products. It has also started to be used in the numbering of Books (ISBN) and periodicals (ISSN). For this reason, the thing that companies try to learn most is the issue of getting EAN-13 Barcode Number.

European Article Number EAN

Barcodes are coded as follows.

  • Country Code 3 Digits
  • Company Code 4 Digits
  • Product Code 5 Digits
  • Check Digit 1 Digit

The first three digits are the country code. The 4 digits after the country code is the company code. The next 5 digits are known as the number given to the product by the manufacturer. The product code and number of digits may also increase or decrease according to the product type. The manufacturer has the right to use these five digits as it wishes.

The last digit is known as the check digit. Checks if the first 12 digits are read correctly.

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